Ambassadors of Hope
Young and old, near and far have taken up the challenge to choose to believe the Hope of their Baptism, name it where they see it, and be bearers of Hope even when they don’t feel like it.
We have begun a moment of Ambassadors of Hope rising up as Signs of Hope. Ordinary people doing the extra ordinary thing of claiming hope and sharing it with others.
Part of being an Ambassador of Hope is praying for God to show you who is in need of hope whether it be a person, city or situation. Then declaring Hope and restoration over them, In Jesus name. This is the authority we have been given. It begins with choosing to hope and then to be willing to be a sign of hope and a helping hand to others.
Learn about practicing Hope daily at Noon on Facebook Live: St Georges Texas City.
Hope in Texas City and Our Nearby Neighbors
Check out our Ambassadors of Hope here in Texas City and beyond!
Hope with the Episcopal Diocese of Texas
Here are a few Ambassadors of Hope: Bishops Andy Doyle and Hector Monterroso, Eric Law, and others at the General Convention!
Hope Around the World
When we first started, we had Hope Coloring Bookmarks that also had Peace on the back. Here are a few of our first Hope Ambassadors!