Signs of Hope Information Flyer
Claim Fresh HOPE
We live in an age in which violence and fear continues to be on the rise. As Christians, we have something the world desperately needs – Hope. It is one thing we can do to put a healing word out in the world.
THEN: On November 19, 2016, Rev. Robin Reeves charged cub and boy scout troops, members and visitors to our Annual Bazaar to take a couple of Signs of HOPE and put them where there seemed to be HOPELESSNESS in our city. The scout group took it upon themselves to help make her dream of creating a field of 500 signs of HOPE a reality. Along the way they caught up in the joy of this simple word and began making Branded signs of HOPE.
NOW: In 2018, as our community is still reeling from Hurricane Harvey, a fresh wave of violence in the form of the nearby school shooting threatens to completely dampen the spirits of those in Galveston County. We at St. George's and beyond are increasing our resolve in order to spread the word HOPE in the face of these events and in the midst of the anxiety, fear and civil discord. We invite all to boldly, tenaciously, declare HOPE
As Baptized Christians we profess in word that God is our Hope through Jesus Christ. The HOPE signs project is a way for us to proclaim in action this reality. The best time to put out HOPE signs is when you are lacking HOPE. It is what Rev. Robin calls, Holy Defiance or not giving into the temptation to despair, anger, or violence.
The signs of HOPE are an opportunity to return to God and put our Trust in him and him alone, not a man or government. They also provide an opportunity for us to take the high road and demonstrate love, peace, and joy in the midst of great unrest. It is an opportunity to say in spite of what is happening we have HOPE because God is good. This is our heavenly inheritance to share with the world. May we do so boldly.
You may need the HOPE sign for yourself to remind you God is God and what is happening currently is not the end of the story. The Good News is love wins in the end. Post it in a place you can see and consider praying this prayer daily during Advent with us as we wait the celebration of the birth of HOPE into the world.
My soul waits for the Lord
More than watchmen wait for the morning,
more than watchmen wait for the morning,
O Israel (O America), put your hope in the LORD,
for with the LORD is unfailing love
and with him is full redemption. (Psalm 130: 6-7)